Monday, February 22, 2010

Punk the clown

On Monday the 22 of February we went to the hall to see a busker called Punk the clown. She did heaps of stuff like juggling, making balloons, balancing a ball on a stick which was in her mouth, riding on a tiny bike, making us laugh and best of all she was riding on a unicycle while skipping. She also did some magic and she gave people some balloons and they were really cool. At the end she let us ask some questions. It was interesting to find out what she does, one of the things she did was being a reliever teacher but she decided to become a busker clown, some people had been to see the buskers at the square and it was cool to see other buskers. Some people perform for a living and they travel to heaps of places, we like buskers.


jack said...

The busker is vvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrryyyyyyy good

phillip said...
