Tuesday, March 23, 2010


At the aquarium we saw sharks,seahorses,crabs,sea stars,king fish,eels,porcupine fish and all sorts.Do you know that porcupine fish are cute but they are not friendly because they can bite
2 of your fingers off. Did you know there is such a thing as a carpet shark? Their colours are
black and brown.We got to hold some crabs, if you want to hold one you have to put your 2 fingerson the edge of the shell of the crab and make sure anything like a crab,sea snail,sea star is under thewater. Room17 has been making sea creatures from the AQUARIUM so it is fun.Eels can stay out of water for 3 days.I know I can't believe it either.I can tell the difference between a king fish and a taraihi because a king fish has big eyes and a taraihi has small eyes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow you must have had a lot of fun there be sure to check out Room 22's blog