Monday, April 26, 2010

My story:Green friends

Once there was a frog, sitting beside a window.He lived happily with his friend snail.One day frog wondered why is snail up on his head."Hey,snail.What are you doing up there?"asked frog."I am looking at the garden outside a window."replied snail, happily."I`m happy up here."said snail.La la lu ... it was night time.The stars twinkled brightly."What do you want to be when you grow snail?"asked frog."When I grow up... I want to be the happiest snail in the world."


Room 17 said...

i like your story erin it is relly cool.

Alex said...

Like cool erin

Laura said...

I loved your story.Everyone voted for you.

Laura said...

I loved your story.Everyone voted for you.

Alex said...

Awsome erin.