Tuesday, March 18, 2014

On the job writing

The dog sits like a statue on the lonely golden sand of the beach breathing slowly.  As the sun sets the waves start crashing louder than they were before making a beautiful whooshing sound.

By Ollie

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Our museum trip

On Tuesday we travelled to the museum to look at street art. We looked at loads of art including the artworks of Sofles,Beastman,Banksy,Milton and others. It was Amazing. I love the museum.

Monday, November 25, 2013


Windsor and Burwood is me

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Cat Art

Now that our cat art is finished they look amazing!

This is how we did it:
  1. We had to sketch our cats
  2. Dye our cats (merge the colors so it looks nice)
  3. Draw eyes and a mouth with vivid and don't forget whiskers

We're Going on Camp

On the 9th  December we are going on camp some people will be in tents and some people will be in cabins. Every one wants to go because they haven't been there.  We are going to do some games on a patch of grass. The camp site has a toilet, a kitchen, a hall and cabins. We can't wait til the day.

Going Camping

On the 9th of December, Team Weka are going on camp. We will play games, make rafts and much more! We will be sleeping in cabins and tents. Parents will also be there to provide help if needed.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The new game that involves maths...

In Room 17 we have a new game that involves maths and it's really fun and you should get the game . If you come in the class room17 at Windsor school and go to the maths corner and look at the right shelf you will see the game we are talking about. It is a splendid game. It is a catastrophically fun/ awesome game. If you do play this game we'll bet that you will get absorbed .

Friday, November 8, 2013

Paper mâché light house

In Room 17 we have made wave washed lighthouses. First we had to paper mâché a bottle with newspaper and newsprint paper 4x. Next we painted the lighthouses and the main colour was white and we chose any other colours like red,yellow and blue. Then we built our circuit and constructed a cover which we painted like the sea. We added rocks around the base of the lighthouse. The switch turns it off and on. We shared them in our team learning celebration and everyone loved them.

Home Learning Cup

This week Room twenty and Room seventeen got the home learning cup. The Home Learning Cup goes to the class which has the most children completing their home learning of reading and basic facts. Room 17 have won it lots this year!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Flashing fireworks zooming in the dark sky
Incredible fireworks exploding into hearts
Racing fairies in the sky
Everywhere there's a spec of light
Wishing I could fly high with the fireworks
Over the rooftops of NZ is a gleam of light
Rainbow sparks chattering in the black sky
Kaboom!Kaboom!Kabam!The fireworks roar like a boom
Staring at the fireworks, makes me think it's all a dream.

Sparkling Fireworks

Fairies having a war with glistening bombs in the night sky above,
Impossible to resist the beautiful fireworks.
Rumble, rumble I hear the fireworks chattering in a great frenzy,
Everywhere around pretty grenades fall roughly from the sky,
Wonderous fireworks form shapes like never seen before,
Oh the joy to watch the fireworks bubble and fizz with excitement,
Roaring fireworks dash about as if they are late for an appointment,
Kaboom! Kapow! The noise is awfully loud,
Smudging together like a tesselation, the fireworks do their thing.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Reading Rocks!

A few days ago as part of Book Week, we were in the hall watching an hilarious juggler named Adrian.  He showed us some books - a fairy book, a war book, a shark book and the land of the wild beasts book. He tried juggling with 5 juggling balls and he found it pretty tricky and finally he did his final act where he got someone to get on his shoulders (but definitely not a teacher). Then he got a teacher to come up and catch the boy  on his shoulders after he somersaulted off Adrian's shoulders while he was riding a unicycle. His message was all about Reading Rocks!!

Our Plays

We have been practising lots for our plays. Ours was called Clever Cats. We had 8 characters. There was: stray cat 1, stray cat 2, stray cat 3 and 4, cyclist, school kid , Mrs Tilby and Mr Tilby. We didn't use many props, only a metal stool, a small bin, a fake sausage, a fake tin of cat food and fake sardine sandwiches. I think we did a pretty good job on our play. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


On Wednesday we went to Ferrymead to learn about the past to look back then and now and plan for our Future. We went to school and learnt about what it was like 100 years ago. In the school house with Mr Black, we learnt like how they used the strap and cane for punishment. When they got the strap it felt like they burnt their hand and their hand went red and white. Apparently the best cure was water because they sort of burned it and they slapped the children at tremendous speed. The cane wasn't as bad because it didn't hurt as much. I'm so glad we don't have school like they did 100 years ago.

Monday, September 23, 2013

We Have A New Sticky-Bility!

Yay Jas The Ace bought Sticky back , well kind of and everyone meet Mr. Integrity who is new to the LEARNING POWER family with Sticky, Imogen, Alison, Luke And Mr.Integrity.

Squiggle art

On Monday the 28th of September Room 17 made squiggle art
 [1] Draw a big squiggly shape[Like an odd big squiggle]
 [2] Put lots of different patterns in each bit
 [3] Colour in the shapes with aquirell pencils.
 [4) Wait for it to dry and  paint it with water.

The Top Team Challenge

The Top Team Challenge was an event that had happened on the 20th of September. It was a big challenge for all of us but we all knew we could do it. The activities were, Gumboot Toss, Hoop Toss, Egg and Spoon Race,Sack Race, Burst pipe, House of Cards and Conveyor belt. The winning team got 467 points!

The Top Team Event

On Friday the 25 of September  Room 17 and the school rushed outside to get into lines up to 24 or 25. We got into lines because we were getting ready to do the top team event! We did lots of activities up to 13 of them. There was hoop toss, gumboot throw, tower stacking , and toxic waiste plus many more. After that we all got an ice block.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Mary Had a Little Lamb

Mary had a little lamb,
Who couldn't really see,
Mary bought her new glasses,
Then crashed into a tree.
Lambie's glasses broke in two,
So Lambie cried a tear.
Mary fixed them with some glue,
She saved the day - NO FEAR!

by Lewis, Aidan, Callum, Aaron and Jason

Mary had a Little Lamb

In Room17 we have written our own Mary had a little lamb poems and one of them goes like this.
Mary had a little lamb ,
Who liked to chew on gum ,
Mary didn't want her lamb,
To eat this by the tonne,
Chocolate flavoured and berry too,
It was very yummy,
Poor little lamb ate way too much,
And now she's feeling funny.

By Corbin and Jacob

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Jumping The Number line Poster

The spheres maths group made a jumping the number line poster about how to jump the number line. Number one is where you go to the next tidy number like 49 goes to 50, 50 all the way to 90 and then plus 3 and then another 1.  Number two is when you jump up a whole lot of ten numbers and then add or minus to the number. Number three is when you go over the number by adding a tidy number and then minus what you need to minus.  I loved making the poster and it is now on the window for everyone to learn from. 

The Storm a Couple of Days Ago

We are recounting about the storm a couple of days ago and we're making a book out of it. We had to use lots of detail in our writing and remember to use similes and precise verbs and nouns.

Friday, September 6, 2013


To celebrate Father's day Mind Gym 17 decorated jars with all sorts of colourful bits and pieces. Inside the jar were strips of green paper. We wrote messages on the paper. I hope our Dads liked them. Some people made theirs to give to their Mum.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Bean Rock Lighthouse Paper Mache

 On the 6 of September Room 17 have been making a paper mache Lighthouse.We have started ripping some news paper and gluing bits on a bottle. None have finished their paper mache - all the groups still have quite a bit to go. After we finished are going to paint it. After that we have to make a circuit  and make the light bulb glow at the top if the lighthouse. But you have to make  it so people don't see the wires.  By Thomas and Jacob

Our Paper mache Bean Rock LIGHTHOUSES!

Today we started paper mache and we are  making a lighthouse. First we picked a plastic water bottle. Next we ripped up some newspaper to a sensible size and glued it on a plastic water bottle.We don't want to cover the hole at the top and we don't want to cover the bottom.After we have finished the paper mache we are going to paint it and then make a circuit so the lighthouse glows. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Bean Rock Lighthouse

Room 17 have made posters of the Bean Rock Lighthouse.  First we needed to think of different questions for our posters.We did these posters in groups.  Next we answered our questions by using the Internet and finding information from some books.After our questions and answers were published we sorted them onto black paper with photos of the Bean Rock Lighthouse and we drew a sketch of the Bean Rock light house. 

Science In A Van

Yesterday,  4/9/13 we saw Science in a Van

                                                            Here is the story...

At 9:15 am in the hall 2 people named Allan and Emily who travel around New Zealand putting on science shows came to Windsor School. First, they put on Sound and Personal Eye Image effects. First they showed us a Stock Whip and tried to break the sound barrier which made a sonic boom which means they tried to break 1225 km. Next they showed us a black and white twirly thing. Emily spun it one way and we looked in the middle and Emily's head shrunk also she spun it the other way and her head seemed to get bigger. It was an optical illusion. Next they were talking about bubbles, mixtures and scientific words. Firstly they were showing us different kinds of bubbles.

Hope you enjoyed it... ta ta.